チュウ太の読解教材バンク (Site with Free Japanese Reading Stuffs)

チュウ太の読解教材バンク (http://language.tiu.ac.jp/materials/)

I’m going to be completely honest with you and say that I don’t know what all of that means or how to read it. Gimme a minute… -10 minutes later- Okay, it’s someone’s reading material bank. チュウ太 = tutor? the name of the mouse because I see a mouse with a book on the site? idek? 読解 = something about reading ability 教材 = teaching material バンク = bank


  • tons of stuff to read
  • no furigana
  • there is a dictionary at the side that tells you the reading, meaning, and usage of each word


  • the blue highlight for linked words can get annoying
  • readings may be too simple for early intermediate grammar-wise, but you may pick up some vocab

I just found this site today and I’m really liking it. There’s lots of stuff to read, no furigana BUT there is a dictionary at the side that tells you the reading and meaning of each word. No real need to open a tab for a dictionary or a dictionary for a… well, dictionary… It’s like I stumbled upon a cave of glory… ;-;

It seems that most of the readings are for upper beginners and maybe early intermediate. I’m not sure what early intermediate really is since I’m not there yet, but I can understand a book that’s considered early intermediate… (新完全マスター文法 N3/New Kanzen Master Grammar N3 in case you were wondering). Also, I just found the site a good hour ago and then made this post right after so take my level assumption with a grain of salt. (WHY do people say that? Take it with a grain of salt? I don’t get it. I’m looking it up later.)

By the way, I’m in the process of putting together a “Free Resources” post with useful websites, textbooks in pdf, and more that will be helpful to other self-learners. Hopefully I’ll have it up by the end of the month. I’ll need to do a lot of backtracking to find the sites I found a lot of my books from. (ex. みんなの日本語, College Korean, Intermediate College Korean, etc.)

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